14 @@ Hebrews 希伯來書 (English) & (Japanese)

@ English & @ Japanese (日本語 )

Hebrews 1

[A]God's Word through His Son

01/In the past,
God spoke to our ancestors
many times and in many ways
through the prophets, 
in these last days,
he has spoken to us
through his Son.

02/He is the one
{through whom God created the universe},
the one
{whom God has chosen to process
all things at the end}.

03/He reflects 
the brightness (of God's glory),
is the exact likeness (of God's own being),
sustaining the universe
with his powerful word.

After achieving forgiveness
for the sins (of all human being),
he sat down in heaven
at the right side of God,
the Supreme Power.

[B]The Greatness of God's Son

04/The Son was made greater
than the angels,
just as the name{that God gave him}
is greater than theirs.

God never said
to any of his angels,
"You are my Son;
today I have become your Father."

Nor did God say
about any angel,
"I will be his Father,
and he will be my Son."

when God was about to send
his first-born Son into the world,
he said,
"All of God's angels must worship him."

about the angels God said,
"God makes his angels winds,
and his servants flames of fire."

08/About the Son,
however, God said,
"Your kingdom, O God will last forever
and ever!

09/You rule over your people with justice.
You love what is right and
hate what is wrong.
That is why God, your God, 
has chosen you,
and has given you the joy of honor
far greater 
than he gave to your companions."
